Showing posts with label Choice Study Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Choice Study Bible. Show all posts

December 19, 2013

Unusual e-book edition of the KJV

The Choice Study Bible published on Kindle as an e-book by Robert P. Holland opens with the editor’s personal witness of faith then tells how he began to color-code scripture. Seeing four basic categories or biblical themes in his studies, the now-retired minister used color-coding to highlight contrasts between the categories of Wisdom and Foolishness, Promise and Curse.

Besides this unique feature found in the review copy I received, Rev. Holland provides a helpful clarification of covenant-making. As he explains in the opening section: “The Bible is a composition of several covenants which the Lord initiated with Adam, Noah, Abraham , Moses (Old Covenant), David, and Christians (New Covenant). Each of the covenants contains the choices of life and death, righteousness and sin, wisdom and foolishness, and blessing and cursing. A covenant contains both wisdom and the Lord’s promises.” Obedience becomes the responsibility of God’s people, of course, but the "promises are never earned by fulfilling the responsibilities. The promises are grace— gifts to the people in covenant with the Lord.”

In this unusual presentation of the King James Version of the Bible (KJV), the e-book also includes a Table of Contents with hotlinks to each book and chapter to help you find the passages you want.

©2013, Mary Sayler

The Choice Study Bible, Kindle e-book