July 8, 2021

100 Best Bible Verses to Overcome Worry & Anxiety


Over two-dozen insightful people contributed to the new devotional book, 100 Best Bible Verses to Overcome Worry & Anxiety, which Bethany House kindly sent me to review.


With only a couple of pages per scriptural quotation, each exudes wisdom, comfort, and spiritual insight to calm fears and disperse worry. The carefully selected verses from both the Hebrew Bible (aka Old Testament) and New Testament begin each page with this helpful format:


  • Bible verse
  • Context
  • Meaning
  • Application
  • Additional Readings


For example, this familiar verse begins one of the devotionals:


The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing,
” Psalm 23:1


The “Context” then reminds us that David wrote this psalm as a young shepherd before becoming King of Israel.


In the next section, “Meaning,” the last paragraph says:


There is nothing you need that God hasn’t provided. The same shepherd who would put himself in harm’s way to protect you will also make sure you have exactly what you need to thrive.”


Then, “Application” helps us to understand how “…we also need to consider what this psalm says to those worried about everyday things…. You lack nothing! God will provide and protect. If he promises to be with us even in death – and showed it through the sacrifice of his own Son – he will also be with us in this life, leading you to the pastures and water you need to sustain and nourish you."

“Additional Reading” suggests John 10:11-18 and Luke 15:3-7.


Although God is with us always, we can expect hardships to arise. Nevertheless, James 1:2 tells us to “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.”  This sounds impossible at first – almost ridiculous! But the “Application” for this verse reminds us:


Jesus never promised that we would live free from difficulty. Use your trials as opportunities to produce stronger, richer faith and character. Use your trials to draw closer than ever to your Savior. Share your experiences with someone walking through a similar situation to offer comfort or advice. Ask Jesus to help you view these hard times as periods of joy, and ask him to refine your faith in the process.


For many years, Romans 8:28 has helped me regain perspective and redirect focus from myself or my concerns to God. Apparently this was true for the Apostle Paul too. After acknowledging our suffering, he writes these faith-building words:


And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”


This assurance lets us know that, no matter what, God will bring forth good! And so, even in the middle of the worse moments, we can choose to offer a sacrifice of praise. The “Application” for Romans 8:28 also encourages us to:


Spend time today worshiping the Lord for all he has given you! Life is difficult, yes. But finding moments to celebrate his glory is endlessly important. When you’re feeling like everything is not okay, and you can’t see his good plan, a little bit of worship can quickly remind you of his presence and his goodness. So cry out, ‘Hallelujah” Sing your favorite worship song and give him praise today.



©2021, Mary Sayler, poet-writer, reviewer, and author-compiler of Kneeling on the Promises of God




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